I decided to sign up for an online painting class with Kelli Folsom that brings it close to home. And I’m happily painting in my studio where I see no other souls. Easy to distance.
So, these are my first two efforts done over the course of just 4-6 hours over two or three days. Used to take me weeks to finish an oil painting. They are 11 x 14 on canvas. The results are “student works” which I would love to have a conversation about with members in terms of exhibiting.
Come join us for our 25th anniversary celebration and meet artist Randy Baskerville!
During the corona virus confinement, I have been putting on canvas some of the feelings that have arisen in me from the ominous to the hopeful. These works in oil paints are mostly on large canvases using the palette knife or big brushes. I have found making art at this time to be both cathartic and meditative. Just the act of painting helps me focus my swirling thoughts on the present moment. My hope is to give voice to the many emotional layers we are all experiencing. I first do a quick sketch from a partially conceived idea, then let my unconscious flow where it takes me. |
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